Saturday, August 15, 2009

The threat of botnets over twitter to spread virus

The Battling of Twitter with DDOS attacks is still going on and many other variety of malware, phishing and spasm took a right time to attack. The battle is going for past few months. By taking this chance, the latest unknowb involvement of botnet had took away the sleeps of the twitter security. Botnet is a way of posting obfuscated code where tweet to reaches the millions of users to spread virus.

Don’t know what is “obfuscated code” or botnets, then read what the well known internet security service “Symantec” wrote on their blog about the malware. They explained the threat which they found and briefly told the preventive measures should be taken to browse any suspected Twitter account that was suspended by twitter.
“Obfuscated Twitter status messages are being used to send out new download links to malware that Symantec calls Downloader.Sninfs …
… Our investigation and analysis of Downloader.Sninfs is ongoing but has so far shown that it reads a specific RSS feed only once. The RSS feed is simply a text file similar to other RSS feeds found on other Internet sites. The RSS text file contains information as to where Downloader.Sninfs can find additional threats to download onto the compromised system. In this way the RSS file acts like a config file for the malware.”

Take a look on the Example of the attempt by an account to spread that obfuscated code:

How it infect or effect?
It can only infect when an user grabs any tweet with such a code and could cause many extra harm because anything new and unknown malware takes big time of the security providers to provide the anti-malware of the latest one and it also makes the users to worry for such an unknown malware. Many got infected with the Downloader.Sninfs by this short period of time.

How to Protect your computer from this malware?

So, the best way to prevent your computer from such malware is to avoid downloading anthing from the short links of any unknown/suspected/spam Twitter account and also avoid all those application for Twitter that ask for your username as well as your password but you may believe on Twitter Authentic Sites.

Want to know the removal process instruction for safety?

If you think that you might have infected by any such suspicious malware then you may check the special instruction for the removal offered by the Symantec.