Friday, November 20, 2009

Send out colourful flags on Gift [Farm Ville]

Facebook's Farm Ville has newly added its new gifts of flags which you can send to your friends and your friend can use it to decorate his farm... Quickly check your gift request, you may have received one from your friend. these flags came of four colours- Yellow, blue, green, Red.

You may use these flags to decorate your farm. My tips to you on these flags: Collect a number of flags from your gift by "accepting" it and then keep those flags serially and line by line to give a good and colourful impression on your farm.
Flags ; Farm Ville

I don't have an idea whether it is limited or permanent gifts as sometimes farm ville stop some of its decorative things. You can even sell those gifts from your gift box if you are not having much space n your farm for the flags or if you are not wanting these flags to be on your farm. These gifts are sold at the price of 10 coins each flag.