If you're not having any personal touch and real story to tell, why should people read your blog, rather they could go to other popular website for the articles that are written for the sake of reading.
I believe a blog is very impure if you're not writing with yourself as a speaker & based on experiences. Many people asked me why i'm not monetizing this blog? Even though i've more than 200 posts and a space with an age of 4 years. Basically that's enough for a blog to boost earning but i feel that the writing itself is opposing me to monetize it!
Anyway, Monetizing is secondary.. i'll think about it later but first i just want to clear one thing, if you've a purpose to blog about you can go ahead to a distance and this blog is based on experiences so i feel, you can only share a writing when you actually experienced it yourself.
I hope i'm disappointing you. I write atleast a single post every month to keep my readers with some kind of information that i learned & experienced.
And another thing.. how's my new blog design! i changed it to add some new touch to it..
See ya, meet you in my next post.