When we blog, we give our maximum effort on our blog for giving good content and getting good revenue amount from it. And if you are a daily blogger and you daily publish your post then you are doing good karma. Everyone knows that more you post content more the traffic you can get, that is why some blogger started to create blogs in the topic of "Photos blog", where he always publish posts with photos because uploading photos are much more easier than writing articles. I am not discouraging you for creating a photo blog but telling you the experiences about it.
image from Flickr
Time Factor:
We think that, writing articles takes much more time then uploading photos but its not the truth because you need to sit and spend a lot of time in uploading photos as there are lots of photos needed to be uploaded over a single post (a post with one photo will not make any sense. Minimum amount of photos, you need to upload is 20 post.) In such a time you can write a good article.
The Amount of writing Content:
The important thing of a blog is the good writing content of it, not the photos. Google and other search engines mainly crawls the content written on the blog post. It takes out all the important keywords from the post to make the post listed over the search result on a particular keyword or many keywords.
Even maximum of the active visitors are a good readers and they need a bigger writing content for getting good impression toward your blog. They spent a greater time to read rather than watching those photos you posted. Ya, i agree the users like to view good photos but viewing photos takes a very less time and the users who are spending very less time on your blog can't be said as the active users.
Advertising Revenue:
As i told you that the user active on your blog has the maximum possibility of clicking your advertisement which your inactive users rarely does. Actually, the best readers of your blog, on the search of new good contents, it clicks your advertisement.
There is also a great problem of good keyword ads display. If you are using Google Adsense, then its very hard to earn money on the basis of good keyword from a photo blog. A photo blog contain much of its content are photos and less amount of text as a result good content keywords is unable to display.
There is a solution of the good ad display and search engine listing on a photoblog. [tips]:
Use the alt"" test on your photo and put the appropriate keyword for the listing of your images over the image search of Google, Bing and Yahoo....
These above problem occurred with me on one of my blog - DailyLinked, which is actually a photo blog and gets a good amount of visitors but very less amount of revenue is generated monthly unless some specific day. I left that blog and started using the writing blog "MReaders". :D
What do you think of photo blogs? If you have any tips to increase the quality of the photo blogs then please comment it over here...